Holistic Approach to Robust Plastic Product Design
In the new competitive world, product designers are under tremendous pressure to produce robust designs at a minimum cost and in the fastest possible time.
For a robust plastic part or assembly equal emphasis has to be given to all four attributes – material selection, part design, tooling, and processing. If any one of these attribute is deficient then it will nullify the other three, even if they are highly optimized. Leading author David Wright wrote in his book titled “Failure of Plastics and Rubber Products” that design issues account for almost 20% of product failures. The fact is that many errors that manifest themselves as material, tooling or processing can also be accounted to due to design issues. Conventional plastic flow simulation does not necessarily help diagnose and avoid common design issues such as sharp internal corners. In most cases it can only optimize the tooling and processing of plastic part designs. Mechanical simulation tools on the other hand are strongly aligned to metals and will not even detect the esoteric issues related to plastics, such as non-uniformity of wall thicknesses.
During the webinar key speaker Vikram Bhargava, will explain a holistic approach for plastic part design and review all the four attributes mentioned above, illustrating through actual deficiencies in plastic parts. The webinar will also be interspersed with his insights to the role of Six Sigma in improving the entire process. A brief demonstration of automated design validation tool DFMPro will be demonstrated that can help avoid basic design errors from proceeding to the simulation or manufacturing stage.