On Demand Webinar

Connected PLM Enables Better and Faster Product Lifecycle Decisions

The industrial Internet of Things is breathing a new life into product lifecycle (PLM) practices and PLM software itself. From its early days, the mantra of PLM was frontloading complex design and manufacturing decisions and harmonizing product lifecycle activities.

In practice, product organizations were not always able to reach that goals because of poor visibility to downstream processes and inability to implement tight closed-loop controls.

Today, smart, connected devices give product organizations rich information about product operations and user-interactions, in real time if necessary, and provide deep insight and decision-making context that was previously unattainable.

But is this enough? Is more data all that is needed? Can product teams deal with torrents of data and exploit complex multi-domain information for effective decision making?

In this webinar, Joe Barkai will discuss a connected product development process that leveraged data form connected devices and the connected enterprise. He will discuss the role of PLM software and design and analytic tools such as DFX tools to curate rich context to drive analytics and enhanced decision-making processes.

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