DFMPro- DFM Software Solutions for different Industries
Design For Manufacturing is a growing concern especially in industries like High-Tech Electronics, Medical Devices, Aerospace & Defence, Industrial Manufacturing and Automotive where supply chains are becoming more complex with suppliers and contract manufacturing while there is pressure to control product costs.
Almost 30% of engineering rework happens because of downstream manufacturability issues occurring late in the cycle, escalating product costs and time to market. Design for Manufacturing Knowledge plays a vital role in controlling product costs and maximizing engineering productivity by addressing potential problems in design phase itself.But the truth is manual DFM methods are difficult, to say the least. As referring to handbooks, checklist, rules manually can be frustrating and designers can miss them altogether.
DFM software solutions like DFMPro can easily automate the DFX ( Manufacturing, Assembly, Serviceability etc.) guidelines right within your CAD software and automatically review designs for downstream manufacturability, supplier capability, assembly, cost, quality etc. Designers can quickly ensure that if their designs can be easily manufactured, who is the best supplier to manufacture it and whether if any design feature is increasing the cost significantly with DFM software solutions.