Does DFMPro analyze a part opened from Pro/INTRALINK workspace?
DFMPro analyzes a Pro/Engineer part opened from Pro/INTRALINK workspace in following scenarios
  • User launches Pro/Engineer from Pro/INTRALINK workspace using Intralink-> Launch Pro/ENGINEER-> Workspace->(Workspace Name) and opens a part stored in Pro/INTRALINK Workspace or Commonspace.
  • User opens a Pro/Engineer part (*.prt) from Pro/INTRALINK workspace using right click option Open
  • User launches Pro/Engineer from Pro/INTRALINK workspace using Intralink-> Launch Pro/ENGINEER->Workspace -> No Workspace and opens a Pro/Engineer part (*.prt) stored in a local drive (e.g. D :MyParts)
DFMPro analysis fails to run when part is opened from Pro/INTRALINK in the following scenarios-
  • User launches Pro/Engineer from Pro/INTRALINK workspace using menu Intralink-> Launch Pro/ENGINEER -> Workspace -> (Workspace Name) and opens a part stored in local drive (e.g. D : MyParts). In such cases, user either needs to save the part in Pro/INTRALINK workspace or check in the part and then run DFMPro.
  • User launches Pro/Engineer from Pro/INTRALINK workspace and opens a family table part stored in Pro/INTRALINK workspace or Commonspace
Is it possible to install DFMPro 32bit version on 64bit machine?
No. DFMPro 32bit version is not supported on 64bit machines. Some of the prerequisites needed for efficient working of DFMPro for Pro/ENGINEER on 32Bit are not supported on 64Bit machines.
Is Pro/TOOLKIT license required for running custom C++ rules?
Yes. User needs to have Pro/TOOLKIT license for running custom C++ rules if rules use Pro/TOOLKIT APIs. A sample C++ rule module is provided with DFMPro for Pro/ENGINEER installer (location – ->SampleProjects). User needs to have Pro/TOOLKIT include directories and libraries available on his machine to build the solution (Location of readme.txt). Sample rule uses Pro/TOOLKIT APIs to get model data. In order to run this rule user needs to have Pro/TOOLKIT license.
Does DFMPro support FlexLM Server on Windows VISTA?
No. DFMPro for Pro/ENGINEER does not support FlexLM Server on Windows VISTA. Users can use the server on a different machine for the purpose.

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