Stunning Simple, Remarkably
Powerful Design For Manufacturing

Software Trusted By Top Organization In Various Industries

Code of PLM Openness

DFMPro is an active member of the Code of PLM Openness (CPO) initiative and thereby, supports the movement of providing quicker access to technological innovations and industry best-practices in the world of PLM systems. Striving towards an open system which is a key aspect  for creating an optimized integrated landscape for customers, vendors and other key stakeholders.

With an intention of creating an open standard for software solutions, DFMPro incorporates integraable  design into software by defining open standards, that is, quality of data, establishing and formulating open standards which in turn translates into developing as per customer expectation with an open standardized application and system.

CPO Compliance Table – DFMPro for Windows

Company : HCL TechnologiesContact Person : Pradip Pulujkar
Subjected Products :DFMPro
CPO TermsRelated Products : DFMProFulfilledNot/Partially FulfilledComments
 2.1 InteroperabilityFulfilled  
 2.2 InfrastructureFulfilled  
 2.3 ExtensibilityFulfilled  
 2.4 InterfacesFulfilled  
 2.5 StandardsFulfilled  
 2.6 ArchitectureFulfilled  
 2.7 PartnershipFulfilled  
List of Supported StandardsAPI: ☒ C/C++
DFMPro for Creo Parametric: All file formats supported by PTC Creo Parametric application
DFMPro for NX: All file formats supported by Siemens NX application
DFMPro for SolidWorks: All file formats supported by SolidWorks application

With its consistent commitment towards serving customer’s needs and views, DFMPro considers Code of PLM Openness (CPO) as an opportunity to-

  • Converse,
  • Aid,
  • Discuss and Resolve, and
  • Research and Development

All in all creating an all-inclusive development environment with ProSTEP iViP!

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